49 results found
Yes, CT9 PRO can be integrated with the web server to achieve the function.
Yes, CT9 E can be integrated with the web server to achieve the function.
Yes, in HTTP/HTTPS protocol, for the convenience of customer’s usage and ensure the security, some configuration of CT9 PRO can be configured with server.
Yes, in HTTP/HTTPS protocol, for the convenience of customer’s usage and ensure the security, some configuration of CT9 E can be configured with server.
When network is disconnected, CT9 PRO can work as standalone to store user IDs and events records. When network gets connection, CT9 PRO will connect server automatically. All the local events records can be uploaded to server if CT9 PRO receive the command from server.
It can do the development on a Windows environment by using HTTP protocol.
When network is disconnected, CT9 E can work as standalone to store user IDs and events records. When network gets connection, CT9 E will connect server automatically. All the local events records can be uploaded to server if CT9 E receive the command from server.
Yes, CT9 E fully supports to read both of DESFire CSN and encrypted data in application file with DES/3DES/AES encryption.
Yes, CT9 PRO UI can be programmable or changed.